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Introduction Naturalism is also termed a materialism. According to this philosophy, the basis of the world is matter. Mind is also a form of matter or an element of matter or a synthesis of both. Naturalistic philosophy defines life in terms of material and chemical


Introduction   The English word ‘Pragmatism’ has been taken from the Greek word ‘Pragma’ which means ‘action’ or ‘work done’. Pragmatism means action, from which the word ‘ Practice’ and ‘Practical’ have come. It is special type of philosophical doctrine of United States of America.

Friedrich August Froebel

  Introduction Friedrich August Froebel was born on April 21,1782 in the village of Oberweisback in South Germany. Two factors which influenced the neglected childhood of Froebel is the religious influence of father and the nature. He introduced the idea of KINDERGARTEN for pre-primary education