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Educational Psychology

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Cognitive Structure
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Educational Psychology is a compound word consists of two words – Education and Psychology. 

Educational Psychology is one of the many branches of Psychology dealing mainly with the problems, processes and products of education. It is an attempt to apply the knowledge of psychology in the field of education. 

By education we mean the natural, harmonious and progressive development of man’s innate powers by drawing out the best in his body, mind and spirit so as to produce an individual who is culturally refined, emotionally stable, ethically sound, mentally alert, morally upright, physically strong, socially efficient, spiritually enlightened, vocationally self-sufficient and internationally liberal.

Meaning of Psychology

Psychology can be broadly defined as the investigation of human and animal behaviour and of the mental and physiological processes associated the behaviour. The term behaviour includes all cognitive activities like thinking, reasoning, imagining etc, motor or conative activities like walking, swimming, dancing etc and all affective activities like feeling happy, sad, angry etc. These behaviours may be conscious, sub-conscious and unconscious.

Definition of Educational Psychology

According to Skinner : “Educational Psychology is that branch of psychology which deals with teaching  learning”.

According to Crow and Crow : “Educational Psychology describes and explains the learning experiences of an individual from birth to old age”.

Educational Psychology is an attempt to apply the knowledge of psychology in the field of education. It is a branch of psychology which studies the behaviour of the learner in relation to his educational needs and his environment.

Thus, Educational Psychology helps to fulfill the aims and objectives of education by applying the knowledge, theories and investigations of psychology.

Nature of Educational Psychology

Educational Psychology is the science of education and it is established that the nature of educational psychology is nothing but scientific.

Nature is scientific because :-

  • Universally Accepted Facts, Laws and Principles : It possesses a well-organised, systematic and universally accepted facts supported by psychological laws and principles.
  • Findings are Changing Constantly : Educational psychology is constantly changing in search of truth i.e. studying the behaviour of the learner in relation to his educational environment. Results of any study can be challenged and modified in terms of latest explanation and findings.
  • Employs Scientific Methods for Studying Behaviour : Educational psychology employs scientific methods ad adopts scientific approach for studying the behaviours of the learners.
  • Maintaining the Criteria  of Scientific Study : The studies of educational psychology follows all the criteria of scientific study viz. high degree of logical validity, objectivity and reliability.

Educational psychology is sufficiently scientific but like any other branches of science like Physics, Chemistry and Biology, it is not perfect and developed positive science but a “Developing Positive Science”.

Scope of Educational Psychology

The scope of educational psychology is broadens in five major areas which are – 

  • The Learner
  • The Learning Situation
  • The Learning Process
  • The Teaching Situation
  • Evaluation of Learning Performance

Influence of Educational Psychology

  • Influence on Theoretical Aspect of  Education
  • Influence on Practical Aspect of Education

Influence on Theoretical Aspect of Education

[A] Understanding Learner 

  1. Understanding Development Characteristics
  2. Understanding Individual Difference
  3. Understanding Needs and Problems of Learners
  4. Understanding Mental Health of Learners

[B]  Understanding Learning Process

  1. Understanding Correct Method of Teaching
  2. Understanding Group Dynamics

[C] Education

  1. Child Centric Education
  2. Aims of Education
  3. Concept of School
  4. Activity Based Education 

Influence on Practical Aspect of Education

[A] Influence on Learners

  1. To Activate Sense Organ
  2. To Motivate The Learner
  3. Constructive and Creative Discipline
  4. Dealing the Problems of Learners like Maladjustments

[B] Influence on Learning Process

  1. Curriculum Planning & Construction
  2. Framing Time-Table
  3. Use of Audio-Visual Aids
  4. Co-curricular Activities

[C] Influence on Learning Material

  1. Production of Text-Books
  2. Innovative Learning Materials

[D] Influence on School Environment & Administration

  1. Creating Conducive School Environment for Learning
  2. Democratic Administration & Management

Utilities of Educational Psychology to Teachers

[A] To Understand Themselves

  1. Personality traits and characteristics of a good teacher
  2. Duties and responsibilities of a teacher
  3. Measures for knowing and doing away with his own conflicts, anxiety and tensions
  4. Up-liftment of motivation. level of aspiration, adjustment and mental health

[B] To Understand Students

  1. Different Stages of development of students
  2. Individual difference of students – in terms of interests, aptitudes, attitudes, intelligence, creativity, abilities and capabilities
  3. Needs of students
  4. Problems of students

[C] To understand the process of Providing Learning Experiences and Their Implementation

  1. Nature, laws and theories of learning
  2. Methods and techniques of teaching
  3. Transfer of learning and training
  4. To provide guidance and counselling to students
  5. To know the art of concept formation
  6. To know the art of motivation, arouse curiosity and interest of students

Interspersed with examples, illustrations and tables, this text book is ideally for postgraduate students of education and psychology. It can also be profitably used by teachers, guidance and counselling personnel and administrators of educational institutions.

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