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Category Archives: Mode of Learning

Programmed Instruction

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay Introduction Programmed Instruction or Programmed Learning emerged out of the research conducted by B.  F. Skinner on Operant Conditioning. There are several efforts have been made earlier by some people in this direction. The Law of Effect propounded by E.

Gestalt Theory of Learning

Flashes of Insight Introduction Psychologists have examined the learning process of the child thoroughly and have developed some theories on the basis of these examinations.  According to Thorndike, children learns through ‘Trial and Error’. Behaviourists described ‘Conditioning’ as the only way of learning. It is

Affective Learning

Image by Esi Grünhagen from Pixabay Introduction The goal of educational process is the total development of the learners irrespective of the level of education. Total development refers to the development in the three major domains – COGNITIVE, PSYCHOMOTOR and AFFECTIVE. These are the three

Vygotsky’s Theory of Learning

Cognitive Development : Brief Definition Cognitive Development pertains to the development of intellectual knowledge, skills and abilities in children. It involves levels of learning based on increasing levels of complexity. These are knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Vygotsky’s Socio-Cultural Prespective Vygotsky provided a

Theories of Learning

Introduction A Theory is a provisional explanatory proposition or set of propositions,concerning some natural phenomena and consisting of symbolic representations of  — (1) the observed relationships among independent and dependent variables, (2) the mechanism or structures presumed to underline such relationships, (3) inferred relationships and


Introduction An individual starts learning immediately after his birth or in a strict sense, even earlier in the womb of the mother. Experiences, direct or indirect, is bound to play in moulding and shaping the behaviour of the individual from the beginning. A child when


Philosophical Basis