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Stages of life with changes - physically and mentally

Child Development Stages By Age

Introduction Life’s journey begins with conception in the womb of the mother. Development of a child goes on throughout the life.  The approximate nine month period spent in mother’s womb is known Pre-natal period. A child is said to be born when fetus emerges from


Image by Julien Tromeur from Pixabay Introduction The growth and development of children from infancy to maturity is divided by Psychologists into Infancy, Childhood(3 – 12 years) and Adolescence – starting from 13th year to 19 years or in strict sense from the onset of

Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development

Introduction Moral Education is also referred to as character education. The term value education has replaced the term moral education in academic parlance. There is much debate going on about what is value education, whether and why value education should be part of the school

Gestalt Theory of Learning

Flashes of Insight Introduction Psychologists have examined the learning process of the child thoroughly and have developed some theories on the basis of these examinations.  According to Thorndike, children learns through ‘Trial and Error’. Behaviourists described ‘Conditioning’ as the only way of learning. It is


Philosophical Basis