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Category Archives: Educational Technology

Systems Approach in Teaching

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay Introduction The Systems Approach is one of the methodological trend in modern science that was born of the need to find a way out of the crisis in scientific knowledge. It was initially developed in the areas of industry

Programmed Instruction

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay Introduction Programmed Instruction or Programmed Learning emerged out of the research conducted by B.  F. Skinner on Operant Conditioning. There are several efforts have been made earlier by some people in this direction. The Law of Effect propounded by E.

Advanced Organiser Model

Advanced Organiser Model

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay Introduction Advanced Organiser Model is designed by David Ausubel to strengthen student’s cognitive structures. This model is taken from verbal learning principle. According to Ausubel, any subject is a chain of concepts. When we accept these facts (subject matter)


Philosophical Basis