Advanced Organiser Model is designed by David Ausubel to strengthen student’s cognitive structures. This model is taken from verbal learning principle.
According to Ausubel, any subject is a chain of concepts. When we accept these facts (subject matter) then it is settled as a chain in our mind, if it is prescribed as related with the old one.
In this model :-
- Teacher gives verbal instruction.
- Teacher first recalls the previous knowledge, then gives new knowledge on the basis of previous one.
- Whole subject is presented in a chain order.
- Students grasp the subject matter wholly and a chain is made in student’s mind.
Principles of the Model
The Advanced Organiser Model is based on the following principles :-
- Principle of Progressive Differentiation :- The most progressive idea about subject is prscribed first, then are progressively differentiated in terms of ‘detail and ‘specific’.
- Principle of Integrated Reconciliation : – The Ideas are consciously reconciled and integrated with the previous knowledge.
Description Of the Model
- To give the knowledge of concepts and facts of subjects.
- To develop cognitive structure.
- To enable the students to arrange the knowledge in a social order.
- To present the pre-knowledge, explain facts and then present new knowledge so that the new concepts are correlated to pre-knowledge.
Syntax (Structure)
The syntax of this model has three phases :
Phase I : Presentation of Advanced Organiser.
Phase II : Presentation of Learning Task.
Phase III : Strengthening of Cognitive structure.
All the activities are designed to increase the clarity and stability of the new learning material.
Activities of Each Phases
Activities of Phase I :-
Presentation of Advanced Organiser
- Clarity of aims of the lesson.
- Presentation of organiser — Giving examples , Providing context, Reporting
- Prompting awareness of learner’s relevant knowledge and experience.
Activities of Phase II :-
Presentation of Learning Task
- Presentation of the subject matter in the form of lectures, discussion, reading, experiments, films etc.
- Maintaining attention.
- Making organisation explicit.
- Making logical order of learning material explicit.
Activities of Phase III :-
Strengthening the Cognitive Structure
- Using the principles of integrated reconciliation.
- Promoting ‘active reception’ of learning.
- Elicit critical approach to subject matter.
- Clarifying
Social System
- The social system is highly structured.
- The teacher is more active. Ausubel believed that only teacher can represent the systematic order of the knowledge.
- Student’s role is as a listener. But in Phase II and Phase III, interaction of teacher and student can be done
Successful acquisition of knowledge depends upon –
- Learner’s desire to integrate new knowledge with old knowledge.
- Learner’s critical faculties.
- Teacher’s presentation and organisation of the material.