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Advanced Organiser Model

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Advanced Organiser Model
Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Advanced Organiser Model is designed by David Ausubel to strengthen student’s cognitive structures. This model is taken from verbal learning principle. 

According to Ausubel, any subject is a chain of concepts. When we accept these facts (subject matter) then it is settled as a chain in our mind, if it is prescribed as related with the old one.

In this model :-

  1. Teacher gives verbal instruction.
  2. Teacher first recalls the previous knowledge, then gives new knowledge on the basis of previous one.
  3. Whole subject is presented in a chain order.
  4. Students grasp the subject matter wholly and a chain is made in student’s mind.

Principles of the Model

The Advanced Organiser Model is based on the following principles :-

  1. Principle of Progressive Differentiation :- The most progressive idea about subject is prscribed first, then are progressively differentiated in terms of ‘detail and ‘specific’.
  2. Principle of Integrated Reconciliation : – The Ideas are consciously reconciled and integrated with the previous knowledge.

Description Of the Model


  1. To give the knowledge of concepts and facts of subjects.
  2. To develop cognitive structure.
  3. To enable the students to arrange the knowledge in a social order.
  4. To present the pre-knowledge, explain facts and then present new knowledge so that the new concepts are correlated to pre-knowledge.

Syntax (Structure)

The syntax of this model has three phases : 

Phase I : Presentation of Advanced Organiser.

Phase II : Presentation of Learning Task.

Phase III : Strengthening of Cognitive structure.

All the activities are designed to increase the clarity and stability of the new learning material.

Activities of Each Phases

Activities of Phase I :-

Presentation of Advanced Organiser

  1. Clarity of aims of the lesson.
  2. Presentation of organiser — Giving examples , Providing context, Reporting
  3. Prompting awareness of learner’s relevant knowledge and experience.

Activities of Phase II :-

Presentation of Learning Task

  1. Presentation of the subject matter in the form of lectures, discussion, reading, experiments, films etc.
  2. Maintaining attention.
  3. Making organisation explicit.
  4. Making logical order of learning material explicit.

Activities of Phase III :-

Strengthening the Cognitive Structure

  1. Using the principles of integrated reconciliation.
  2. Promoting ‘active reception’ of learning.
  3. Elicit critical approach to subject matter.
  4. Clarifying

Social System

  1. The social system is highly structured.
  2. The teacher is more active. Ausubel believed that only teacher can represent the systematic order of the knowledge.
  3. Student’s role is as a listener. But in Phase II and Phase III, interaction of teacher and student can be done 

Successful acquisition of knowledge depends upon –

  1. Learner’s desire to integrate new knowledge with old knowledge.
  2. Learner’s critical faculties.
  3. Teacher’s presentation and organisation of the material. 

Principles of Reaction

The teacher’s responses to the learner’s reaction will be guided by the purpose of –

  1. clarifying the meaning of new learning material,
  2. differentiating with the previous knowledge,
  3. helping to promote critical approach to knowledge.

Support System

  1. The support requirement of this model is a “Well Organised Material”.
  2. The effectiveness of the advanced organiser depends on an integral and appropriate relationship between the conceptual organiser and the content.
  3. Oral and written question-answer could be used for the presentation of knowledge.

Application of the Advanced Organiser Model

Implications of the advanced organiser model in classroom are as follows :-

  1. Abstract subjects which can’t be seen or presented can be easily taught by this model.
  2. Cognitive aims can be achieved by this model. Selection, organisation, presentation and expression can be achieved.
  3. Useful to structure extended curriculum sequences or courses and to guide students systematically.
  4. This model can be shaped to teach the skill of effective reception learning i.e. ability to learn from reading, lectures etc.
  5. This model helps to present the subject in organised way and student may get all matter in systematic order, in less time.

Related Topic : Programmed Instruction

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